Monday, September 28, 2009


Still can't quite get my head around how Einstein arrived at this view of the world...I mean I think about stuff, I also make decisions and occaisionally some of them are even right. But even though I know the theory behind the formula I still struggle to comprehend how someone could mathmaticly theorize that at four times the speed of light energy could change into matter...I mean this at a time (1905) when the fastest thing around was probably a train doing about 80 m.p.h. How fast is C2? It's 30 times around the world in one second is how fast. It wasn't until 40 years later, in 1945, that people came face to face with the amount of energy that C2 contained when the US detonated an atomic bomb over Hiroshima....and if ever you think you are having a bad day, spare a thought for Tsutomi Yamaguchi who was in Hiroshima on a sales trip when they dropped the bomb...he suffered third degree burns, but discharged himself from hospital and went home to recover. He just got home when "yep" they dropped another one of the suckers on him. He survived that one too...but must have begun to seriously question his decision making processes.
Anyway back home, spring rain has turned everything on the farm to slush, and driving means more often than not going sideways into fenceposts.One of the little suckers in a fit of picque kicked me in the side of the knee..whew it made my eyes water, I tried to keep running, but then my other leg gave out in now I'm sulking... The kid has holidays, so last night we went to dinner (chinese) and the movies (fame) wasn't as good as the original version...far too busy and trite...was my verdict. Today kid rang and demanded lunch, it was raining and I had just been filling a cattle buyer up with tea and scones at the cafe...I didn't want to be seen back at the cafe so soon after the first took kid to another one three miles up the road. Then with nothing better to do, I decided to bore her to death by showing her the farm that her great great grandfather bought in 1905, About the same time Einstein was formulating E=MC2 Great Grandfather Henry was chopping scrub and planting grass seed.I'm sure she was relieved to get home. The apple having fallen so far from the tree as to almost be a different species.
The first lot of calves are almost ready to sell..I don't know what the price will be yet, but even a loss at the moment would be preferable to the haemorrage of money that is occurring right makes me cranky.