Monday, December 8, 2008

and stop calling me Shirley

It was a day held tight and kissed by opportunity.
An old friend who I have been bumping heads with of late, called by, and over a couple of pots of tea we mended ourselves.
She said that she had a client who had 40 acres to lease, and that the first person she had thought of was me...she blessed me with so simple a thing as a thought.

While we were talking another old mate called, I'm not sure of his pedigree but he looks as swarthy and belicose as a Lebanese and he continually peppers his expletives with snatches of conversation.
He has pitch black fingernails ingrained with the grease of years of mechanical labour...and is a genious when it comes to fixing things...he was saying that he was lonely so he bought half shares in a strip club (see..he's a genious) He makes me snort tea with unexpected he realigns the universe according to how it should be.
Years ago in our 20's we combined our 'Dutch courage' and talked each other into buying our first houses. Now he owns streets full of them.

I had a new P.A start today, and by lunchtime I knew that I had made the right decision...she had taken away the treacle of life and had refocused me.

Tonight my 12 year old daughter and I went swimming.
Five testosterone riddled rugby brutes took over her lane and swamped her. She was close to tears when she popped up in front of me.
"Dad will you time me over a length?" she asked.
"Sure" I said.
So when two of them took off their next timed lap, so did she....all 70lbs of ribs and elbows, 4'8" tall, and flapping like a guppy.
The gorillas came second and third.

"17 seconds" I said, making sure they all heard.

"Surely you didn't beat those big guys" said one...

"Well, yes I did" she said..."and stop calling me shirley"

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