Friday, February 27, 2009

On Shakespeare and Butter Chicken

Anna came from Auckland at midday today, I don't when she came from Bangladesh.
The world economy is off to hell in a handbasket and she wants to open an Indian restaurant in my building. Her timing is impeccable, her courage unassailable.
She bought plans, drawn up by her daughter the architect. I bought my builder.
She bought baskets of Indian and Thai food for me to try.
I took her and her daughter to lunch at the cafe opposite the golf course, where over tea and a scrap of A4 we outlined the terms of a contract.
It was straightforward and easy, and the salad I had for lunch was delicious.

I was wondering today how Shakespeare would have coped with Blogging...apparently his spelling was appalling.
I was also wondering about Glory Holes.
Not the hole persay, nor the function...but the fact that someone had bent his intellect to the formation of the word.
I mean, after a lifetime of work Henri Bic at least gave his name to the ballpoint pen...other great men have perhaps contributed one maybe two words to the English language, and recieved recognition for the doing so.
The point of all this, is that Shakespeare, and I'll type this slowly so that you don't miss it...contributed 2035 words to the English language.
He put 'UN' in front of words so that their meanings were made unkind, unlock, untie...sheesh I wish I had thought of that.
And when you say
"he vanished into thin air"
"you have to be cruel to be kind"
"I waited with bated breath"
"he's my flesh and blood"
"it's a forgone conclusion"
"he was a tower of strength"
"To thine own self be true"
Or if you use the words critical, frugal, dwindle, extract, horrid, vast, hereditary, assassination, lonely, leapfrog, well-read, zany, barefaced, eventful, or excellent...Well, you are actually qouting aren't you the clever one.

Meanwhile, tonight, thanks to Anna, I was in Butter Chicken heaven.

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