Thursday, February 19, 2009

Gropey, Frolic, Squalid and the gnomes of the MogoDron.

I was thinking about that part of the brain which deals with failure the other day.
I don't know about other peoples brains, but in my brain there is a committe of gnomes who run the psychosomatic dept. They deal with my neurosis, my stress levels, inner demons, that sort of thing.
Right now, and for quite some time now, there has been an ongoing battle between them, and my will, over the rights to my success or failure.
I picture them sitting around up there thinking of ways that will make me give up on this quest for athletic endeavour.
"I know" says one, whose name is Gropey, "lets make his nose bleed"...and so they do.
"well that didn't work" says another whose name is Frolic. "lets turn him into a dithering idiot, and then block up his nose with snot"
"Hey lookit that" says another whose name escapes me cos now I'm a dithering idiot, "He doesn't even care that half the lightbulbs in the house have blown, and the dishes aren't done....eeewww and what's that he's eating"
"I know" says another called Sqaulid"lets peal half the skin off his arse" "nah" says another "we tried that before Christmas, lets peal it off his penis"..."WooHoo.. now that got his attention"
And then came MogoDron "well boys" he drawls "what I suggest"he says, pausing to put his feet up on the desk, while spreading his elbows and clasping his hands behind his head, "is that we keep those lascivious and salacious thoughts that he has, but halve his ejaculate...we can then use the spare protein to make his nails hurt"
So they do.
Now with one long run and two long bikes to go, I am teetering along a physical tightrope. I have lost 12lbs, my right knee hurts, I am physically brittle and psychologicly fragile, but I am almost there. I take an almost perverse pleasure in the amount of punishment I can inflict upon myself. In two days time though I can start to be nice to myself again. I am looking forward to that. I will have beaten the gnomes.

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