Sunday, August 2, 2009

What is it about women sans babies?

Its been a good week, highlighted of course by finding $12.60 and five ballpoint pens down the back of the sofa. The bourse of course spat up some profit, and as is often the way kept on rising the minute I sold. I was reminded however of the words of one of the Vanderbuilts (I think) who when asked how he had garnered his great fortune replied "I always bought too late and sold too early."
The first of the new season calves arrived on Wednesday, all lanky, doe eyed and dewy nosed. My calf man, a gentle wreck of a creature, who seems to function better in this world than in the real...and the calves just love him..and the buyers just love the calves, calm and meek and gentle as their carer. We usually raise about 500 of them, which means manic pursuit of the magical 100kg liveweight over the next three months.
Some feral lowlife chucked rocks through one of my tenants window on Friday night,(which actually means one of my windows) oh, but how I wish I could catch them...the pretty muscles that I have spent years developing and which I use several times a week for swimming could then be used to force feed the rocks back into their various cavities..The frustrating part, I find, is the powerlessness and defilement of these anonymous rats, who operate under cover of darkness, and who wantonly destroy what they don't have the guts to acquire by their own self determination.
Today it was up in the hills, running with the godkid, the mud on the forest tracks was up to our knees,it had rained for a week, and godkid looked like she had been in a mud wrestling contest, covered as she was in streaks of the stuff.We ran into midwinter darkness, guided home down dark country roads by a bright midwinter moon. Why? Because she had spent the day earning money by painting kids faces at a birthday party.
I was thinking too, (while she was busily kicking the living bejeezus outta me) that if all the kids in this country had her self determination, her honesty and her work ethic, there would be no crime and no need for welfare. From there it would only be a short hop and a financial skip to being one one of the richest countries in the world.
Eyes of blue is still on the scene, albeit tenously. What is it about women who don't want to have babies?