Sunday, April 19, 2009

and the moon shone magical.

Power mainfests itself in many different ways, and power exchange I find just as quirky.
She txts me Saturday morning and suggests we meet that night.
It's not a complete surprise to me, her marriage is in trouble, and so I guess she is dipping her toe in the first pools of psychological freedom, even though she hasn't reached that point legally...either that or it's because the moon is new.
I tell her what to wear, because I like doing that, and she does so because likes to acquiesce.
We meet in the carpark of a bar midway between between where each of us lives, and we park in a space next to each other.
She has on a short black dress, with a zip that runs down the length of it. It is tempting not to strip her naked in the dark recesses of the carpark.
She has on sheer stockings, but no bra and no panties..I know this because I check.
I don't even speak to her, before grabbing a handful of her hair and bending her head backwards so that my breath enters her mouth. Then I run my tongue down her neck, and bite the hollow point where the muscles of her neck join her shoulder...she groans with pleasure, as I take ownership of her and power from her.
I don't hold her hand as we walk, I hold her gives her comfort but not intimacy, and is a reminder that her power is being slowly removed.
Inside the bar, the music is so loud, that the resonance vibrates through my heart and rattles off my ribcage..all the band wear ear plugs, but none of the crowd...
The lead singer has a great smile and a level of showmanship that makes up for his lack of ability. It's not that he can't sing, it's just that he has to fake his way through some of the high notes.
I make her sit on a high stool, facing the room, it makes her skirt ride up, so that the top of her stockings show. The men ogle her unashamedly. She squirms when I tell her to spread her legs. She does so behind the protection of her cardigan. She gulps a glass of Chardonnay like it was the last one in the bar.
We talk easily for two hours, a lot of it revolving around sex and me telling what I am going to do to her later. I talk dirty to her, and when I hit a raw spot she makes a noise in the back of her throat like a is so visceral that she doesn't even know that she is doing it...and it thrills me inwardly to know that I have this power over her.
In the carpark later I am busily reducing her to a puddle, when a man comes over and asks if I want to make 50 bucks... I am so deeply into the moment that I think that he wants what I am having.
I have to shake myself back to reality and ask him what he has in mind. It's almost dissapointing to find that he and his mates are from out of town and that all they want is a ride back to where they are staying.
I say "no problem" and collect $65 bucks off them before their drunken minds register that they have parted with the money.
Once we are underway they immediately start a drunken sexual patter aimed towards her, she loves the attention...I lean towards her and suggest that I give her to them, and she again emits that visceral groan of pleasure, and her hands unconciously move between her legs. I check as well, and she has an absolute puddle down there.
I find where they are staying and there are fervent invitations to come inside...or more to the point for her to come inside...I laugh them off, and say that I will rent her to them but that selling her is not an option, and that anyway I have to get her home to her husband...she is by now gurgling with salacious sexual anticipation about what I am going to have her do next.
My plans however do not include sharing her with a bunch of drunks, although taking the rest of their money, I have to admit, is a passing and tempting thought.
I stop in a deserted industrial carpark , and in the backseat of her van...I bite her shoulders, neck and cheeks, not caring that she has to take the marks home.
I push her skirt up around her waist, and tell her what a dirty little whore she is for wanting all those men to use her....and when I thrust into her, I tell her that as a punishment she is not allowed to come until I tell her that she can...she acquiesces and then grunts with the effort of trying to obey. I have one hand around her throat, one on the seat for balance, while all the while I am pouring a torrent of sexual vissicitude into her ear.
She starts to sweat with the effort of trying not to come, while all the while emitting the gurgles and growls from deep in her throat that tells me she is not too far from losing conciousness.
With several deep thrusts I ejaculate into her, and then in my deepest stenorian voice I tell her to come...Bloody hell, It was like releasing a bronco...she just howled... gutteral, visceral and deeply primeval. Her face contorted purple, her shoulders hunched while the rest of her writhed and twitched as the waves of orgasm engulfed her... she comes again and again and again.
..and all the while the moon shone magical over her.

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