Thursday, May 28, 2009

I need to test this crap for faecal coloforms

God, life is so boring right now...I mean it must be, when today I got a vicarious thrill from getting the results of a Laboratory test for Faecal Coliform.

A process that we use for treating sewerage had managed to lower the FC's from 270,000 down to 2900...not quite drinkable but...OI!! what the F..are you still awake?...this stuff is both thrilling and riveting, so pay attention please.
Anyway quickly moving on..., before you expire from torpor...what this means,is that dairy effluent can be spread onto pasture without a 10 day withholding period because of the FC's...the cows won't eat the grass anyway...cos it tastes like...well..crap.
The effluent can also be spread close to water sources without ...without...zzzz...oh, all right you can all go to the toilet.

The market has been treating me well this week, everything that I have touched has shown some lustre...just as well I suppose, cos a few of those are a holding in General Motors..They havn't died yet..but I suspect that they might enter their death throes sometime in the next week...unless of course you wouldn't mind popping out and buying a new car...NOW, would be good... the surprising thing is that despite the trauma they are still ahead of what I paid for also shows the human condition for hope and optimism beyond all...well, hope and optimism...cos I still have the bloody's like watching a train wreck...and not getting the fuck out of the way.

Today I went and watched the god kids compete in the provincial duathlon was a beautiful day beside the great lake...Lib got second and her brother got third, which made her mother screech with parental delight...until I told her to shoosh...that people were looking.

Oh, and I forgot...on Sunday night I went to the movies...watched the new Star Trek was actually very good...and, I have to say.... that as Luke Skywalker flew over the corn fields of Idaho on his way to take over the Enterprise...I swear that I saw Kevin Costner building a baseball diamond... I am off to test all this drivel for faecal coloforms