Wednesday, May 20, 2009

He left at free firty ona pus

It's been a tough week.
Last Friday 'free firty ona pus'was roaring, rolling, rollocking drunk. He was so drunk that he dropped his diary. It fell open at a page that had my name on it. It was a handwritten contract that sold my product to a man I didn't know,and delivered to a place that I knew nothing about...and certainly hadn't recieved any money for. A little discreet enquiry revealed that he had been lining his pockets at my expense. Needless to say it was his last day in my employ.
oh, how he ranted and threated and cajoled, to no avail I might add.He arrived at free firty ona pus...and I geuss he pretty much left the same way.

On Saturday morning I ran at some ungodly hour with Mike, then after showering, raced through to stand in the rain and wind to watch my kid play netball.
It was worse than being waterboarded.
Then after a bite of food, jumped on my bike with god kid, where she proceeded to reduce me to idiot savant...We caught up to some competitors in a bike race. I have never experianced such relief as to be slowed down by a bike race.
Sunday a.m. though, bought a modicum of revenge. Mike, Jon, God Kid and me ran a local 15 miler called the Fanny Hill (called that cos it fucks you). It is a run over nothing but hills and forest tracks and it is gutbusting tough.It was Libs first time over 15 miles, let alone something as tough as this. She went well for over an hour and then the sky fell on her head.
I have never seen such a look of eye sunken malice, when I glanced over at her, as we trawled up the last hill two miles from home.It had taken her 34 minutes out to the barn, but 45minutes back. Tough? have no idea how tough this kid is...she never looked like quitting.

My new yard manager starts tomorrow. He is an irrascible old scotsman named funnily enough 'Jock'. He has a scar from his chin to his navel, where surgeons removed what was left of his shrivelled up heart.He turned up to the interview, unpretentiously enough, in drawstring track pants and a flurescent shirt.
He is however a mechanical genious and I am looking forward to working with him. When I explained the details of the latest project I have been working on, he grasped the concept immediately and was able to offer some quite thoughtful insight.
What I am really looking forward to though is chucking him the phone, and getting out of this weather to somewhere that will warm my pituitary to a temperature that will actually kick start the freakin thing.

I'm thinking perhaps of Singapore for some shopping,(they have electronics to die for)Mediterranean Turkey for a little historical culture and sun, and then maybe New York for some awe, inspiration, and a ride on the subway.